So What is Collagen?
It's basically natural proteins made of amino-acids from animals usually from fish and chickens.
What does Collagen do?
Collagen helps strengthen various structure of the body, in fact today some people call it the "Fountain of Youth" because it helps brings back the smoothness of you're skin to how it was before. Making it vibrant and soft.
So who can use Collagen?
Anyone can use it. Research shows that as people age collagen production decreases in result the cell structure weakens. I remember reading somewhere that "No one is too young to start using anti-aging products" in fact the sooner you use one, the less damage it would create to your skin in the future.
What Collagen to use?
Today there are many companies that produce collagen products.There are even products specially made for females consumers and specially made for male consumers. Just be sure to research on the company and the product your'e using also the Ingredients it contains.
So for me after using it for 21 days I must say I totally love this product so much! It was really worth getting hyped with, before using this product I was having problems with sudden acne breakouts and dryness of skin. My skin was shouting for help!
So that's what got me thinking of using this product. Amazingly after just 3 days of using it I noticed it taking effect, the break out stopped. I felt that my skin was being hydrated and was smoother compared to before. It also gave my skin a healthy glow.
Because of the very good result I asked my dad to buy me a bottle when he flew to osaka just a week ago, too bad it was out of stocked at the drugstore near his hotel, in the end my dad bought a different brand instead.
I guess I'll give this brand a try first, though I prefer Meiji since it's made from Fish collagen.Oh I must to warn you this product smells like fish and rotten eggs which is totally normal since it has fish oil as one of its main ingredient, but its really worth drinking so don't be turned of just because off the smell.
I'm guessing the HTC collagen one is from chicken if my Japanese reading serves my right. Oh well I'll do a comparison review on this next time. Will finish the 30days consumption dosage first to see the results.